Thursday, November 29, 2007

First :-)

This of course is a first. Never before have I blogged. I think I will like it. It makes you take time out of your day and it seems to relieve stress. The year is almost over and the holiday cheer is about. I cannot believe that my children are growing up right in front of my eyes. Wow, Abbie is about to be seven, Haylie is five and Noah is turning three this Saturday. This definitely makes me cherish every moment I have with them. Chris is going to grad school and will be done December '08. I have to say I am very proud of him for his strength and commitment not only to take care of his family, but to work full time and take two grad classes this semester! My mom is "50" today. Baby you've come a long way ! She's made it through a lot and I'm proud to call her my mom! It's time to celebrate.