Friday, July 30, 2010

Another Year Goes By....

¡Feliz cumpleaños a tí!
¡Feliz cumpleaños a tí!
¡Feliz cumpleaños a Haylie!
¡Feliz cumpleaños a tí!
Our Belle is 8....for a kid that had no name for the first hours of her life....she sure has lived up to the name her daddy gave her (all Haylie's though spelled differently have ATTITUDE & SASS).
She is a challenge to our parenting that I relish daily and adds spice to an already flavorful life. I love my sassy, loves-to-dance, sweet-and-cuddly, stubborn, write-letters-to-your-daddy-about- how-much-you-love-him, love-to-play-teacher, adores-Noah-but-would-never-let-him-know, absolutely-hillarious, full-of-attitude, did-I-mention-she's-sassy,8-year-old-lady-who-is-too-smart-for-her-own-good....I hope 8 is Great for you Haylie!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Birthday Boy....

Baby B is no longer. He's finally reached toddler hood, although by his build & attitude you would have thought he were there long ago.

To My "Baby" Barron,

Just in case the computer crashes and your dad hasn't backed it up, I'll publish a little on here to be safe! This past year I've enjoyed (with tears) watching you grow up. You went from a skinny little baby to a BIG little two year old in what seemed to be a blink of an eye. I just want you to know that we love you very much and you brighten our lives with your little smile & dimple. Here are a few of your favs: you LOVE to dress, you also LOVE shoes, you of course love me more than any other with Joni (mommy) running close 2nds, you still suck your thumb and rub my hair when your sleepy, you like to carry around your sisters purses, you love babies, you love to talk on the phone, we can't get a call on the landline without you answering it...when you do you say "HEY" or if they're lucky "HEWWO", everyone in this house adores you, your older siblings enjoy restling and even though they're much larger than you you're not intimidated, you wear a "faux"'s mostly natural, you have a super cute dimple on your left cheek and lastly your favorite food is a tie between heinz ketchup and least I know you get enough lycopene. It's my prayer that God will bless you in this second year of your life and every year after. Just are my Sunshine!


Monday, July 12, 2010

This Is What Daddies Are Made Of....

"Our daddy is is TERRIFIC" is what our kiddos would say. I say the same thing about mine. Watching Chris with the kids most of the times puts me in awe. He was raised by his mom and didn't have a fatherly figure growing up. To say the least...his mom did an AWESOME job and if she were here, just like my dad...they both would be SUPER PROUD Grandparents.
The tears are flowing now so this in my words is what daddies especially ours are made of:

He is a snuggling, kissing, nap-with-you, toss-a-football, teach-you-to-pitch-and swing, wipe-your-tears, make-a-crazy-silly-face, tickle-you-until-you-cry, rub-your-legs-in-the-middle-of-the-night, save-you-from-monsters, read-you-the-same-book-twelve-times, keep-you-safe, teach-you-to-protect-each-other, you-need-to-read-the-bible,let-you-stay-up-late-to-watch-a-movie-together, believe-in-Fairy-Godmothers, help-you-with-homework, catch-you-when-you-fall, hold-your-hand, cookies-and-milk, take-you-to-Disney-World, celebrate-you-learning-to-ride-a-bike, coach-your-teams, sing-at-the-top-of-his-lungs, get-down-on-his-knees-and-play-piranha, love-your-mommy, tell-you-he’s-proud-of-you, say-prayers-with-you-before-bedtime - KIND OF DADDY.

Our kiddos are blessed kids and I am one blessed wife and mama!

Little Place Down The Road...,.

There's a little place Noah loves to go...its to Dr. Youngs office. For those not from Kirbyville...he's the local vet. On one particular journey it was just the boys and myself. Oh boy....were they in for a treat or what??? Mrs. Wendy had rescued a baby raccoon and was raising it like a kitten. I was so "AAWWW TUTE " (cute) as B said. The candy's below:


The "original older" Torres siblings took our summer family reunion back to the park. It was a GREAT day and we had a SUPER time visiting, eating, guys playing ball, wagon rides by Uncle Larry, visting, eating, kids playing on the playground,visiting and eating some more!


Yes...that's right. I've been a little stingy to those who keep up with The Torres' through blogging. You'll forgive me though...later today there will be TONS of posts.