Tuesday, April 22, 2008

All Boy!

It's been a while however it WILL get better...promise.

Over the past couple of months, I've come to realize that Noah is ALL boy! Never before have I realized that he is so different. Yes, i have always known that boys are different than girls but lately there is a drastic change. He's roughly 3 1/2 now and a total ham.

We are expecting our fouth and final child in July '08....and it's a boy. I must admit I am ecsatic to have even gender in our home. However, I am a little scared at the same time. Will we be able to keep up with two little munchkins always on the go? Playing guns, setting boobie traps, throwing balls, wrestling...the list could go on and on. Look mom...she's Old Yeller!

While we can't wait to meet our little new addition, we are trying to cherish every moment we have with our litte guy. Dirty hand prints on the glass doors, snotty nose, muddy boots, snakes in his pocket(yes really), and "mom do i have to take a bath tonight?" Wouldn't change it for the world.