Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1st.....

Today, this very first day of November, I am so very thankful for my very best friend. He's someone I who is always there to pick me up or to give a hug when feeling down. He's the one who adores me. The one who does small things to see me smile. He's the best daddy a kid could ask for. More importantly he listens and obeys God. He' my main squeeze, my babe, the best hubby.......You got it, it's Chris!!!!!


Sunday, July 31, 2011

Photo Book

So, it seems like 2009 was forever ago. Especially when looking at the kiddos. Anyhow, these are photos from our Disney vaca which, by the way we CAN NOT wait to do again. (When B is a little bit older, that is )

Click here to view this photo book larger

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I just read an article about childhoods cut short. All I can seem to say is wow. I mean, you know times have changed....but wow!
We try to protect our children. Our oldest right now is probably what you would call the odd girl out. You see, she doesn't have a cell phone or a facebook.We try hard to preserve her innocence and childhood as long as possible. I'd rather her call friends on the home phone. Facebook is well, just a place for kids attack. We choose to protect her from these negative things. Remember our role of parent is one of leadership and not one of "well my kids want it".
She has younger siblings so this helps her stay young too. She naturally has more responsibility than the others becuse she's older. I am stumped when people question this. Our life does not revolve around anyone ONE person it revolves around our entire family. Each person's needs are equally important and we weigh all needs when making a decision.We each have roles and responsibilities in this large family. I think it's important to make things work. We have chores to do and we don't get money for it. We teach our children that the responsibilities in a family are shared. We shouldn't expect to get something for helping out. It's just what a family does.
How do you think a family back 100 years ago did it? Only today we have entitlement issues.
We make decisions based on the 6(our family size) not on 1. In my opinion as it should be. This is opposite in today's society. But then again so is having 4 children.Our family is so very rich in love. We spend time together and enjoy each other. I can't tell you how many times a day we laugh. This makes my heart smile. Our children learn our faith and know Jesus through our family.The world has become a dark place. Young teens are surrounded by such immoral things. We as a family feel called to be the "light" in the world. We don't give into things because everyone else it doing it.... actually we do the complete opposite because usually that is the "right and Christlike" thing to do. Sometimes we feel alone in our thoughts and we aren't alone. Many time others would stand if only someone would stand up first.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I just found out about this free ebook offer that ends at midnight tonight. The book is called 31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha House the Mary Way. I am very excited to read it as I can use help in this area....managing a home in a God glorifying way. It looks really good! The author, Sarah Mae, has a really inspiring blog too that I look forward to exploring more. See more at http://www.likeawarmcupofcoffee.com/home


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Shop Goodwill....

If any of you enjoy thrifting as much as I, you can now buy goodwill items from all over america! They have set up a site much like ebay and you should definitely go check it out at www.ghopgoodwill.com

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Best....

My hubby is the best...he also like to buy the best. Which is why I'm smitten....

That's right folks a Kirby. A young couple nearby were suckered into buying it, never used it and sold it. If we see a deal, we get it. I love, love, love this thing!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day of Love....

I'm quite the fan of Valentine's Day. I'd say it's almost ranks as my favorite holiday which is my anniversary!!! My husband however knows better than send me flowers or buy me chocolate so I normally just get a card. That's all right with me due to the fact he goes ALL out for our anniversary (may be strange but we celebrate two) and my birthday. I on the other hand prefer to go all out for the day of love. So the kids each have their own mailbox in which I put a sweet note and goodies. The girls are getting older so this year they got stuff from Victoria Secret. As in Pink body spay's, lip gloss and other girly girl stuff. I also found some really cute initial notepads with rhinestones at Barnes & Noble. Add in a little sweets and they were happy campers. The boys on the other hand....got boy stuff. Balls, candy, a sweet note & snappers. I also bought the book The Tickle Tree...if you don't have it, it's a must have. It's the new bedtime story around here. Lastly for Chris. He often request a picture for his office at the hospital saying " people don't even know we have a fourth kid. " Which is a complete story due to the fact we had family pictures made after Barron turned one. Anyhow, I took the kids to Fullers for portraits and Barron was so shy I was a little worried how they would turn out. They were AWESOME....Connor shot and Esther entertained the kids. So for Valentine's Chris got a framed and matted new portrait for his office, sweet homemade handwritten card, chocolate covered cherries and a book called The Art of the Fart. Yes you read right....the girls picked this out themselves, it even came with a Whoopee Cushion. Which he doesn't need! He was surprised which I have to say was very hard due to the fact that he doesn't like surprises for himself. Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Puppies On The Way....

Our Beky is (at any moment now) expecting at least 9 puppies!!! YIKES....9. We are excited and the kids just can't hide it! Barron is constantly by her side feeling them move and I'm sure she is ready to deliver just so he'll get away. She had a really good looking boyfriend from Colorado this time..his name is Qvaid (he is from Czech Rep.) and he is an AKC Champion.

Qvaid Z Orisku (sire)
Beky (57 day pregnant)

We also had eight baby chicks hatch last week and I think they think Barron is their 2nd mama. They are oh so cute, but I'm terrified of their real mama. No need to worry....we ARE NOT getting fever for any human babies!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Quick Catch-Up

So...since the last time you've read anything on my blog it has been almost exactly 5 MONTHS!!! Gross, I know. However, I'll do my best to make all these long stories short:

Abbie: transferred to Gateway Christian Academy...she LOVES it. She was sure she hate it however don't even bring up going back to public. She just turned ten....wait 10....on January 15th. That also makes me a little sad...okay a lot! She went to convention with school and placed high in everthing she did which was archery, volleyball, watercolor, photography and I can't remember what else. I just bought her her first padded bra (I'm sure you didn't care to know this but when I publish this into a book I want to know....she'd also hate me if she knew)! She's growing up whether we want her to or not.

Haylie: Third grade, Mrs. Bailey...looks like Paula Deen. Loves to read...really loves to read if it gets her AR points. She was really upset not to be at GCA...however she'll transfer next year. Enjoys fighting with Noah...and gets really upset with me if I tell him he can sleep with her. She is very excited about softball starting up. Hates to get a spanking....who doesn't but if we were to record her we would WIN Americas Funniest Home Video. Still silly as ever and with her dad & sister serious personalities, this is a GREAT thing. Makes the Honor Roll every time report cards come out!!!!!!! Loves to have her nails done. One word to fit Haylie is HAPPY!

Noah: Started his first year of "real" school. Kindergarten...Mrs. Bean. I was ecstatic to get her. The girls had her and she is AWESOME! Played soccer and TOTALLY dominated the field! Is doing terrific in school...has a happy mama due to the fact he's keeping quiet and making E's! He's also excited about Little League starting up. Really wants to do Kung Fu (I think what he means in karate,but we'll let him call it Kung Fu). Turned SIX....losing teeth and TURNED SIX! Keeps his room clean....more clean than his sisters combined.

Barron: POTTY TRAINED COMPLETELY! I'm so excited, he wakes up in the middle of the night to tell me he's gotta pee rather that wetting the bed. Still going to GCA...has a little friend named Soha...she's Indian and oh so adorable. Talks constantly...non stop and is our first kid to be a why-er. Yes...he is the one who ALWAYS asks why! Thank you Jesus the others didn't....ANNOYING! Totally enjoyed Christmas this year. These are a few of my favorite B sayings: "Go Super Sast (fast)", "Weah (yeah)", "Hang own second (hang on a second)" and he pronounces his name Bennon. Loves a purse. I didn't tell him just today we need to invest in a murse since he demanded he take one in Pizza Hut last night.

Chris and I are great. I'm back on the weight loss wagon since I gained back almost all the weight I lost 2 1/2 years ago. Were planning a road trip West for Summer break and I can wait to see the Red Woods. We are about to celebrate 9 (NINE) years of marriage. YAY us! I'm hoping for a cruise but we're expecting....you can exhale 'cause we are only expecting our 2nd litter of puppies. We adore our kids even when they are brats. The are AMAZING....Life is grand and God is great, therefore so are we!
