Sunday, July 31, 2011

Photo Book

So, it seems like 2009 was forever ago. Especially when looking at the kiddos. Anyhow, these are photos from our Disney vaca which, by the way we CAN NOT wait to do again. (When B is a little bit older, that is )

Click here to view this photo book larger

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I just read an article about childhoods cut short. All I can seem to say is wow. I mean, you know times have changed....but wow!
We try to protect our children. Our oldest right now is probably what you would call the odd girl out. You see, she doesn't have a cell phone or a facebook.We try hard to preserve her innocence and childhood as long as possible. I'd rather her call friends on the home phone. Facebook is well, just a place for kids attack. We choose to protect her from these negative things. Remember our role of parent is one of leadership and not one of "well my kids want it".
She has younger siblings so this helps her stay young too. She naturally has more responsibility than the others becuse she's older. I am stumped when people question this. Our life does not revolve around anyone ONE person it revolves around our entire family. Each person's needs are equally important and we weigh all needs when making a decision.We each have roles and responsibilities in this large family. I think it's important to make things work. We have chores to do and we don't get money for it. We teach our children that the responsibilities in a family are shared. We shouldn't expect to get something for helping out. It's just what a family does.
How do you think a family back 100 years ago did it? Only today we have entitlement issues.
We make decisions based on the 6(our family size) not on 1. In my opinion as it should be. This is opposite in today's society. But then again so is having 4 children.Our family is so very rich in love. We spend time together and enjoy each other. I can't tell you how many times a day we laugh. This makes my heart smile. Our children learn our faith and know Jesus through our family.The world has become a dark place. Young teens are surrounded by such immoral things. We as a family feel called to be the "light" in the world. We don't give into things because everyone else it doing it.... actually we do the complete opposite because usually that is the "right and Christlike" thing to do. Sometimes we feel alone in our thoughts and we aren't alone. Many time others would stand if only someone would stand up first.
