Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Aweful...just aweful....

To all of those who follow and yes even those of you who've complained....I'm sorry! For some unknown reason....our internet has been down for nearly two weeks so that of course meant no blogging. No email..no facebook..no ebay...OH MY! All I can say is " I'M BACK"....you've missed so much....I will try to have everyone caught up by the end of the week if I'm lucky. I DO NOT believe it was by chance our internet decided to go down on the week of back to school...It was probably for the best! Oh and for my sappy love letters to my love...they've been put on paper :)


Saturday, August 14, 2010


Being that Chris and I are the Sunday School Super's at our church...we arranged a skating night at The Skating Palace in Jasper. It's always a treat due to the fact that Michelle & her hubby are so kind. It was great and I SO enjoyed skating...there's no feeling like it! Afterwards, Chris & I took the kiddos out to eat at...you guessed it Tamollie's. The Francois', The Fee's and The Mitchell's joined in and this was a sure sign of good times and fellowship.
UNTIL....(dun dun duhhhh) a roach...carrying eggs was spotted crawling on the wall behind Chris. Traci (of course) screamed...Joni was offering her flip flop to Chris who by the look on his face was ready to leave right away! The pregnant roach was murdered...we got our food and cautiously ate and did enjoy ourselves. However, my new favorite place to eat with kiddos in Jasper might become Martin's or Casa Ole.

I did tell the manager (who happens to be married to a friend we graduated KHS with) and her response was "Another one....? We've been seeing them all day!"

Friday, August 13, 2010

Star Light...

Star light star bright,
The first star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight.

As Chris, the Kiddos & I lay outside on the trampoline looking into the big black sky....this is what I thought of. It was just past midnight and we were waiting for the Persaid Meteor Shower to begin. Sure, we've all seen shooting stars at sometime in our lives...but a show, of shooting stars one after another. It was like God was putting on a show just for us. We spoke of stars, what they were made of , how far away they were and how long they "lived". Everyone of us witnessed the beauties darting across the sky (well, Barron went to sleep as soon as he layed down). It was AMAZING. Everytime one would go...you would hear "WOW", "OOOHHH", "LOOK", "THERE'S ONE" & "DID YOU SEE THAT?" and of course daddy saying "SSHHHH...GUYS NOT SO LOUD!" Later, when talking to the kids about it they came to the conclusion that "GOD'S A PRETTY COOL GUY"!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010


For the first time in 9 1/2 years Chris & I had a weekend getaway sans kiddos. Thanks to mom who kept the girls, the girls who took care of the dogs and Joni who kept the boys. It was different to say the least but we enjoyed it and it was probably much needed. On our way out we stopped for a movie...Traveled on to Cypress & did a little shopping
Took John out to dinner and headed back to his house for a nights rest (besides "filling out" a little they look the same as they did when they were 10! don't 'cha think?)

Up we were the next morning traveling on toward New Braunfels and found the GORGEOUS Comal
We headed back to Houston for the hotel and slept like babies after being in the sun the whole day. Got up Sunday and put in more shopping hours
We returned to kiddos, who met us with SMILING faces. Maybe, just maybe we won't wait so long next time.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Another Year Goes By....

¡Feliz cumpleaños a tí!
¡Feliz cumpleaños a tí!
¡Feliz cumpleaños a Haylie!
¡Feliz cumpleaños a tí!
Our Belle is 8....for a kid that had no name for the first hours of her life....she sure has lived up to the name her daddy gave her (all Haylie's though spelled differently have ATTITUDE & SASS).
She is a challenge to our parenting that I relish daily and adds spice to an already flavorful life. I love my sassy, loves-to-dance, sweet-and-cuddly, stubborn, write-letters-to-your-daddy-about- how-much-you-love-him, love-to-play-teacher, adores-Noah-but-would-never-let-him-know, absolutely-hillarious, full-of-attitude, did-I-mention-she's-sassy,8-year-old-lady-who-is-too-smart-for-her-own-good....I hope 8 is Great for you Haylie!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Birthday Boy....

Baby B is no longer. He's finally reached toddler hood, although by his build & attitude you would have thought he were there long ago.

To My "Baby" Barron,

Just in case the computer crashes and your dad hasn't backed it up, I'll publish a little on here to be safe! This past year I've enjoyed (with tears) watching you grow up. You went from a skinny little baby to a BIG little two year old in what seemed to be a blink of an eye. I just want you to know that we love you very much and you brighten our lives with your little smile & dimple. Here are a few of your favs: you LOVE to dress, you also LOVE shoes, you of course love me more than any other with Joni (mommy) running close 2nds, you still suck your thumb and rub my hair when your sleepy, you like to carry around your sisters purses, you love babies, you love to talk on the phone, we can't get a call on the landline without you answering it...when you do you say "HEY" or if they're lucky "HEWWO", everyone in this house adores you, your older siblings enjoy restling and even though they're much larger than you you're not intimidated, you wear a "faux" hawke...it's mostly natural, you have a super cute dimple on your left cheek and lastly your favorite food is a tie between heinz ketchup and salsa...at least I know you get enough lycopene. It's my prayer that God will bless you in this second year of your life and every year after. Just remember...you are my Sunshine!


Monday, July 12, 2010

This Is What Daddies Are Made Of....

"Our daddy is is TERRIFIC" is what our kiddos would say. I say the same thing about mine. Watching Chris with the kids most of the times puts me in awe. He was raised by his mom and didn't have a fatherly figure growing up. To say the least...his mom did an AWESOME job and if she were here, just like my dad...they both would be SUPER PROUD Grandparents.
The tears are flowing now so this in my words is what daddies especially ours are made of:

He is a snuggling, kissing, nap-with-you, toss-a-football, teach-you-to-pitch-and swing, wipe-your-tears, make-a-crazy-silly-face, tickle-you-until-you-cry, rub-your-legs-in-the-middle-of-the-night, save-you-from-monsters, read-you-the-same-book-twelve-times, keep-you-safe, teach-you-to-protect-each-other, you-need-to-read-the-bible,let-you-stay-up-late-to-watch-a-movie-together, believe-in-Fairy-Godmothers, help-you-with-homework, catch-you-when-you-fall, hold-your-hand, cookies-and-milk, take-you-to-Disney-World, celebrate-you-learning-to-ride-a-bike, coach-your-teams, sing-at-the-top-of-his-lungs, get-down-on-his-knees-and-play-piranha, love-your-mommy, tell-you-he’s-proud-of-you, say-prayers-with-you-before-bedtime - KIND OF DADDY.

Our kiddos are blessed kids and I am one blessed wife and mama!

Little Place Down The Road...,.

There's a little place Noah loves to go...its to Dr. Youngs office. For those not from Kirbyville...he's the local vet. On one particular journey it was just the boys and myself. Oh boy....were they in for a treat or what??? Mrs. Wendy had rescued a baby raccoon and was raising it like a kitten. I was so "AAWWW TUTE " (cute) as B said. The candy's below:


The "original older" Torres siblings took our summer family reunion back to the park. It was a GREAT day and we had a SUPER time visiting, eating, guys playing ball, wagon rides by Uncle Larry, visting, eating, kids playing on the playground,visiting and eating some more!


Yes...that's right. I've been a little stingy to those who keep up with The Torres' through blogging. You'll forgive me though...later today there will be TONS of posts.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Awards Day at KCISD....

This is a little late but as they say "Better late than never!" We can never wait for awards day...I mean, who can? Everyone wants to be recognized for something...even if it is for perfect attendance! I'm proud of our girls. They finished yet another year and will entering the next grade level. Abbie 4th and Haylie 3rd. This year Abbie received her 3rd Presidential Fitness Award. There were only five kids who achieved this all 3 years and Abbie was one of those. Haylie on the other hand could care less and didn't even try. They both received "A" Honor Roll Awards, Music Awards, Perfect Attendance, Good Citizen and some more but I can't recall what they were.
Below are the girls with their teachers Haylie & Brandi.....Abbie & Mrs. Whitener:

Sunday, June 20, 2010


You gotta love the summer watermelon photos....it's a annual summertime photo for us!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Friday Night Fun.....

It's summer time which means when mama doesn't feel creative you can have some BORED kiddos. On the very Friday Toy Story 3 came out in theaters....lets just say mama wasn't in the creative mood. This doesn't mean she's not smart though. What a GREAT idea it was to take the WHOLE family to see TS3? This was Barron's first movie and thank God we got free refills on popcorn...as soon as I sat down with it he tumped it in the floor. I have to say he was good 'til the end (about ten minutes from the end). It was SO, SO, SO stinkin' cute!!! I couldn't have had a better idea. I mean what other person cries in a "toy" movie? It must be due to the fact that my babies are babies anymore and I know in the blink of an eye Chris and I will be doing the same thing. Packing up toys and sending our kids off to college or foreign coutries. We all agree it was as good as or better than the first. I'll quit blabbering and give you what you really wan't pictures....GO SEE IT!MOVIE TICKET:$18

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I'm sure for my mom..it's hard to believe her oldest is 30! Thats right...Amy turned thirty! To my big sister whom I don't really remember liking 'til I was grown HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your the one who carried me around...wore a mullet with me.... drove me around (most likely against your will)you are a SUPER sister and the BEST Aunt Mamy any four kids could ask for I might not have ever told you but I'm proud of you and the family you have made...Happy Birthday again!