Thursday, August 21, 2008


Kids always have something "cute" to say. Most of the time they are forgotten...however since I'm now a SAHM maybe I can pen them for when they are older.
Abbie, the oldest and most serious had a container of grapes. She handed it to me only two remaining. "These are for you because you are special.". Nothing new for her as she is 99.9% of the time a real sweet heart. I looked down and there was only one grape left...before eating it she looks at me and says " Now..this is for me because I'm more special than you!!"

Noah has had to adjust to being home with me instead of going to day care. In this adjustment comes WHINING...which I hate. He was in a mood and was whining. " shouldn't whine, ", he looks at me and with his all to common question say "BUT WHY?" I think about it for a minute and proceed to tell him that he's a little man and men don't whine (which we know isn't really true..just hoping it would work..haha!)He took that answer and off he went. Later in the afternoon he was out playing on the patio and Zeike our english bulldog was out there. Noah had some cookies and zeke was watching waiting patiently for him to drop one. He was wimpering and I heard Noah say firmly " ZEIKE...IF YOU DON'T HUSH, I'M GONNA TELL MOM YOUR BARKING LIKE A GIRL", for the week we've had no more whining!
Haylie...who's into boys and love was playing dress up with Abbie. The were putting on play make-up. Haylie told Abbie, "Put that lip stick on me, I want to be beautiful. I will be so beautiful, if Jace (our good friends little boy) were to see me he'd say 'I want to marry you' and I'd say ' YOU CAN'T'"...I had to go on the other side of the house so they wouldn't know I was laughing.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Yes...we were pregnant...very, very, pregnant!!

The whole pregnancy my kidneys weren't functioning correctly, which caused me to retain fluid. ALOT of 35lbs. On the 4th of July my blood pressure started rising. I had a scheduled Dr. appt. on Monday so off to Beaumont I went. Ten minutes away from the office the nurse calls to say Dr. Pieternelle left on an emergency...they needed to reschedule (no problem to them I wasn't due 'til the 25th). I told her of my problem and she sent me to the hospital to be monitored. About 4 hours and many tears later, Dr. Pieternelle showed up. He was going to admit me. I was to say the least...not prepared for this! He had a full day of surgeries on Tuesday, so he would induce on Wednesday. Chris leaves Tues. morning to head to Jasper to work but not before stopping by Verizon to get a new phone. The nurse was starting my IV and i called Chris at the VW store to tell him not to go to work my BP was climbing. 182/125. Thats all I remember. When he got to the hospital they were prepping me for an emergency C-Section. Yep...I had a seizure and was out cold. 12:15 P.M. on July 8th, 2008 Barron Michael Torres was born.

A whopping 8lbs. 6 oz he was 20.5in. long with a head full of dark hair and the most beautiful complexion. Once the surgery was complete they took me back to my room where I had another seizure. Even though epilepsy runs in my family...I am most certain they were a product of hypertension. The next two days were really tough, I don't remember anything. The Lord had his hand on us the whole time, yes mom...that is why Chris was SO calm through the storm. He was there...yet another stormy time in my life. All the prayers from the prayer warriors in our church were answered. I was back to normal in no time. Sure a little ache and pain every now and then but those are expected. Seven days later, we were released...and the photo shoots could begin! Take a look at my precious new baby boy...

And here he is with good ol' Dr. Pieternelle!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

All Boy!

It's been a while however it WILL get better...promise.

Over the past couple of months, I've come to realize that Noah is ALL boy! Never before have I realized that he is so different. Yes, i have always known that boys are different than girls but lately there is a drastic change. He's roughly 3 1/2 now and a total ham.

We are expecting our fouth and final child in July '08....and it's a boy. I must admit I am ecsatic to have even gender in our home. However, I am a little scared at the same time. Will we be able to keep up with two little munchkins always on the go? Playing guns, setting boobie traps, throwing balls, wrestling...the list could go on and on. Look mom...she's Old Yeller!

While we can't wait to meet our little new addition, we are trying to cherish every moment we have with our litte guy. Dirty hand prints on the glass doors, snotty nose, muddy boots, snakes in his pocket(yes really), and "mom do i have to take a bath tonight?" Wouldn't change it for the world.